Our Coverage

We have enhanced coverage in Whakatane, Ohope, Ohiwa, Wainui, Kutarere, Nukuhou, Opotiki, Edgecumbe, Kawerau, Pikowai, Manawahe, Matahina, Waiotahi Valley, Waimana, Omaio and Te Kaha. 

Our Opotiki tower is fully operational and we can provide coverage from Paerata Ridge to Tablelands, including Waiotahi Drifts, Opotiki Central and Otara. 

Coverage coming soon to: Tirohunga, Opape, Torere, Rerewhakaaitu, Reporoa and Broadlands 

If you are unsure if you are in our coverage area, please contact us.

Coverage is improving all the time as we install new relay sites.

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